Gerry Connolly
11th District, Virginia | 424 Cannon HOB, Washington, D.C. 20515 | (202) 225-1492
February 15, 2011 George Burke – 202-225-1492/ 202-503-7756
Statement of Rep. Gerry Connolly on Temporary Extension of Patriot Act Provisions
Congressman Gerry Connolly issued the following statement on House passage of the temporary extension of three provisions of the Patriot Act:
“Northern Virginia is a diverse community comprised of residents from many nations. That diversity is a tremendous source of cultural and economic strength that we must always welcome and seek to foster. It is also a community directly affected by the terrorist attacks of 9/11 that remains a high-priority target for terrorists today.
“Our ongoing challenge is to strike the right balance between national security and the preservation of civil liberties for all Americans. As Chairman of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors in 2005, I sent a letter to then-Senator John Warner and the entire Virginia congressional delegation expressing concerns about some provisions of the Patriot Act and their potential to impinge on civil liberties. I continue to have those concerns, particularly with respect to the provision allowing federal authorities to access library records and other personal information.
“At President Obama’s request, I supported H.R. 514 this week to provide a temporary extension of three Patriot Act provisions through December 8, 2011. This temporary extension will give Congress the opportunity to review the provisions before granting a long-term extension while not interrupting ongoing investigations.
“As President Obama has noted, failing to extend these provisions at this time would have serious and immediate national security implications that could threaten the lives of Americans here in the United States, and in Northern Virginia particularly.”
- H.R. 514 provides a short-term extension through December 8, 2011 of just three Patriot Act provisions. It is not an extension of the entire Patriot Act, and did not grant the two-year extension of these provisions through 2013 requested by President Obama.
- The three extended provisions are: roving wiretap authority that provides law enforcement with the ability to track suspected terrorists who frequently change cell phones or communication devices; the so-called “lone wolf” authority that provides the ability to track suspected terrorists who have no connection or affiliation with a foreign country or identified terrorist group; and the “any tangible thing” provision that allows law enforcement to request documents connected to a terrorism investigation.
- All three provisions require court approval under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act before they can be used.
- These provisions have been extended by Congress in 2006, 2009, and 2010, each time with overwhelming bi-partisan support.
- In an effort to ensure greater scrutiny of the “any tangible thing” provision, Congressman Connolly voted against the Rule providing for consideration of the extension (Roll Call No. 29). The Rule passed 248-176.
- Congressman Connolly also voted in favor of a Democratic motion to ensure that all Patriot Act investigations be conducted in a manner that complies with the Constitution. Unfortunately that motion failed because of Republican opposition.
- A 3 month extension of these provisions recently passed the Senate by a vote of 86-12 with both Virginia Senators voting yes.
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The Virginia Muslim Civic Coalition is an independent, non-partisan Muslim group concerned with domestic issues which directly affect the VA Muslim American community’s livelihood .
We focus on issues of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties, Education, the Economy, Banking Reform, Environmental issues, Immigration Reform, and Health Care Reform. Our endorsements to candidates are based primarily on these issues and a candidate’s history of support for and positive interaction with the American Muslim community.
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